
Surrounded by a dystopian future, the poor and desperate seek to better their station.

The film takes place on a train with the have-nots at the tail and the haves towards the front.  While not really a horror movie, thematically it approaches the genre. In short, this film classically illustrates Conflict Theory. Worth a watch.

The Last Days (Los Ultimos Dias)

What happens when people develop a deadly form of Agoraphobia?  “The Last Days” attempts to answer that with a story when Marc, a software developer and Enrique, a Human Resources Suit set out to find Marc’s pregnant girlfriend, Juila in Agoraphobic Barcelona, Spain.

“The Last Days” is a pretty decent film.  It reminds me a bit of “Pontypool” except without zombies and in Spanish. The movie definitely leaves room for interpretation, especially at the end. Worth a watch.