The Bye Bye Man

A shadowy figure arrives when you say its name.

Snooooooooze. Not worth the time if you are over the age of 13. Say bye bye to this film.

The Last Days (Los Ultimos Dias)

What happens when people develop a deadly form of Agoraphobia?  “The Last Days” attempts to answer that with a story when Marc, a software developer and Enrique, a Human Resources Suit set out to find Marc’s pregnant girlfriend, Juila in Agoraphobic Barcelona, Spain.

“The Last Days” is a pretty decent film.  It reminds me a bit of “Pontypool” except without zombies and in Spanish. The movie definitely leaves room for interpretation, especially at the end. Worth a watch.

A Demon in my View

An English psychopath murders women and remembers Mother.

Arthur Johnson, the sassy and classy psychopath played by everyone’s favorite mamma’s boy, Anthony Perkins roams the alleys around his flat trying to escape his past.

This film is produced the way films used to be, with competency and direction. I’m not dissing newer movies, but older films like this seem to have more soul.  The flashbacks are done nicely and the movie has solid pace and plot. Watch this film.